Saturday 8 November 2014

Tell me...

Tell me....

Does this photo look ANYTHING like my dear surly 16-going-on-17 cat?


I know I posted part 1 of this before, but it's so amazing that just be turning his head he looks 10 years younger.

Cats, teach us your secrets! We, humans, go to the ends of the earth is preserve youthful looks, such as plastic surgery! But here---here is an amazing specimen---

Alright, you want me to admit it?


I'm jealous. Cats never look old! When humans grow old, we have wrinkles, and our hair becomes white, and we look horrible. Cats? Pshhhh, nah. They just keep growing in size (sometimes sideways, if you get my drift) but they still look young! And moreover, a slight angle makes them look 10 times younger, painlessly and immediately!

I'll now go drown my sorrow in a tub of ice cream...


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