Okay, everybody. Listen up! I'm going to tell you their latest act of insolence! The insolence in this house is becoming unbearable! I, Leo, adopt them, give them a home, and what do I get in return? Insolence!
Leo, you've used the word 'insolence' thrice in one tiny paragraph.
Excuse me? This is MY blog. Get off of it so I can tell everyone my tale of woe.
How is it your blog? I started it. It's MY email address. So how is it yours?
Uh, hello? This blog has MY name on it!
Will you always be capitalizing MY in every sentence?
MY business is none of YOUR business! Now, where was I? Oh, yeah.
So, this week is MSLB week, correct? And didn't Miss Christina I'm-too-good-for-this-blog Skylarina promise to post ALL THE TIME? Well, she's not, and she's changed the password so I can't get on this blog anymore. "Security Measures", she said. Uh huh. I can see right through it! I mean, come on, what's wrong with the password Leoisawesome123? She just wanted to hog all the attention! But, Miss Christina I'm-such-a-genius-about-not-letting-Leo-blog Skylarina forgot to log out! Hah! Now she'll never crack my password. If only I could remember what it was...
Leo, you've used the word 'insolence' thrice in one tiny paragraph.
Excuse me? This is MY blog. Get off of it so I can tell everyone my tale of woe.
How is it your blog? I started it. It's MY email address. So how is it yours?
Uh, hello? This blog has MY name on it!
Will you always be capitalizing MY in every sentence?
MY business is none of YOUR business! Now, where was I? Oh, yeah.
So, this week is MSLB week, correct? And didn't Miss Christina I'm-too-good-for-this-blog Skylarina promise to post ALL THE TIME? Well, she's not, and she's changed the password so I can't get on this blog anymore. "Security Measures", she said. Uh huh. I can see right through it! I mean, come on, what's wrong with the password Leoisawesome123? She just wanted to hog all the attention! But, Miss Christina I'm-such-a-genius-about-not-letting-Leo-blog Skylarina forgot to log out! Hah! Now she'll never crack my password. If only I could remember what it was...
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